Wednesday 8 April 2009

Early statutory targets on reduction of gas emissions are a necessity

Scotland could lead the world through the establishment in statute of annual emission reductions of at least 3% year-on-year from the start not from 2020. Early and deep emission cuts are essential to meet the 2050 target. This is crucial to keep global temperatures below a 2 degrees centigrade rise. If we fail to act early, more people will suffer as a result of climate change and face possible hunger, water shortages, disease and displacement from their homes.

To establish a 3% reduction year-on-year embedded within statutory annual targets would put Scotland on an equitable trajectory, giving a certainty to early action. It would also place Scotland as the first country to recognise the importance of early action by establishing statutory annual targets.

If this early target is accepted within the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill, Scotland would be demonstrating that some developed countries recognise the urgency of deep, early cuts and would set the challenge that an ambitious 2020 target is indeed achievable by all developed nations.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Lillian
    thank you very mcuh for your comments. I think that we need to share the information we have with others, so that everyone can contribute their little bit to help our environment.
