Wednesday 19 August 2009

Module 13 soon to be formally launched


Do you know how to measure and reduce your church’s carbon footprint? Eco-Congregation Scotland can help you!

Eco-congregations across Scotland can now quickly and easily measure the carbon footprint of their church buildings. Eco-Congregation Scotland is launching a new module that has been developed to help congregations of all denominations respond to climate change. The module has been developed after a programme of meetings with congregations across Scotland earlier this year and with financial support from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). It brings together for the first time a number of important concerns:

• why Christians must respond to climate change
• a simple tool for congregations to work out the carbon footprint of their church buildings
• a challenge to congregations to commit to cut their carbon footprint by 5% each year

Why is it important to know your carbon footprint? Most eco-congregations are now aware of climate change from reports in the news papers and on television. However from our research we learned that very few people know how much energy was used in their church buildings; how big their carbon footprint could be or how they could take action to minimise their own contribution to global warming. Knowing your carbon footprint is a vital step to help take action.

Module 13 explains how this can be done quickly and accurately. It shows, in easy steps, how to work out from electricity, gas or oil bills the annual carbon footprint of a building; and how to find out advice and information to reduce this total – and save money. Advice and possibly funding is available through the Energy Saving Trust or Climate Challenge Fund to help you do this.

We are now encouraging congregations across Scotland to register as eco-congregations and to join this movement to respond to climate change. Please go to the Eco Congregation Scotland website where you can also download a copy of the module. Please click here to download a copy. . Alternatively ring Aniko Schuetz for more information on 0131 240 2274.

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