Thursday, 22 September 2011

Balfron Parish Church takes part in flower festival

Balfron Parish Church Eco-Congregation group recently took part in a flower festival.

Here are some photos and information from their display.

As an Eco-Congregation, we see gratitude and concern for God’s creation as important parts of our worship and our Christian lives. We take seriously our stewardship of the earth’s resources and endeavour to work with others in the community for a greener world.

Our display highlights our interdependence with the natural world and includes:
Hedgerow fruits: brambles, rowan, rose hips, haws and elderberries.
Garden produce: apples, plums, tomatoes and courgettes. 
Seed crops: wheat, barley and oats.

Wild flowers: *corn marigold, *cornflower, corn cockle, poppy, *oxeye daisy, *field scabious, teasel, *tufted vetch, *knapweed, *betony, purple loosestrife, *yarrow, bluebell, *red campion, *ragged robin, wild marjoram, *fox and cubs, *birds foot trefoil, *rough hawkbit, *feverfew, hedge bindweed, *white clover, honeysuckle, creeping thistle, heather (ling) and bell heather.
Plants marked * have flowered in our Church Biodiversity Border this summer.

Water Honey Containers:  copper, glass, willow, pottery, shell, wood, jute and linen.

‘Insects’: made from recycled cutlery and spark plugs.

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