Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Participating Creatively & Actively in the Future You Want?

This June is a key turning point for international decisions and actions to be taken on social, economic and environmental justice. It's the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, popularly called the Rio+20 Earth Summit, marking the pivotal 1992 UN Earth Summit 20 years ago, where UN Conventions on Climate Change, Biodiversity, Forests and Deserts were born.

Key themes are the Green Economy and the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. In the preparatory meetings, the focus of the conversation so far has been building the Future We Want

It's not "the future politicians want" or "the future multinational corporations want", and we need to make sure that the agenda doesn't get corrupted by vested interests. So how can we participate?

Right now, there's a huge discussion exploding on email lists, social media and meetings at the UN HQ in New York behind the scenes. Maybe that all sounds too distant, but don't let these big shots sit around tables juggling with our future - they are our own representatives and we CAN influence them! Our own government and leading politicians will be our voice when it comes to the conference hall in Rio De Janeiro, BUT why don't we send them off with a crafty message before June? 

Make sure YOUR voice is heard as part of the Future We Want, and check out how you can creatively and actively participate in this urgent international debate here:


This is one of 8 blogs in the final stage of the Global Campaign for Climate Action's Rio Blogger Prize. If you like what you read, please support Chris by commenting on his blog, and sharing it with friends and family. The real story from Rio to be told through blogs by the winner of this youth competition, and if you'd like to hear more, I can post them here when it comes to June. Happy reading!

Monday, 23 April 2012

WWF: Like food? Love nature? Help us with our cunning plan...

Help WWF to persuade the government to protect the future of food and nature:

"It’s not only your health that’s affected by the food you eat. From orang-utans in Borneo to armadillos in Brazil, there are surprisingly widespread impacts on the natural world from what we consume here in the UK.

Please help us - send a tweet right now to persuade the government - specifically the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to come up with a proper strategy to address all the issues around food."

For more information access their webpage:

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Win a free month-long bus pass!

We can't ignore one big thing holding us back from the cleaner, greener Scotland we all want: our car habit.

Many of us have at least one car journey each week that we could swap for cycling, walking, or public transport - and we've got a great prize on offer today for people who want to start making this important change.

For a chance to win a free month-long Stagecoach bus pass - valid on both local networks and longer express journeys – click here to sign up to the Scottish Government's Greener Together campaign.

You’ll be joining a movement of over 13,000 Scots helping create a greener country for us all.
So do your bit for Scotland and enter our competition now! Good luck. The organisers will notify all winners by Friday Friday 27 April.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Christian Ecology Link's new website

Message from CEL:


All our members and friends are invited to visit the beta version of CEL’s website –  Take the opportunity for a preview before we announce its existence to the wider world!

You will find our extensive range of resources for faith, prayer and action there, plus the latest news on Christian green activities. As our new website is a ‘blog’ you will be able to leave comments and take a more interactive role in our work.

Have a look and let us know what you think. The 'contacts' section is not active yet so please  don't use that page Please send comments and suggestions for improvements to Judith at

Monday, 2 April 2012

New STV show to highlight sustainable living

It's called Too Good to Waste, and in it, eight famous Scots - including Kaye Adams, Fred MacAulay and Shereen Nanjiani - take up the challenge to cut back on their wasteful ways.

Watch the trailer now to get a sneak peek of the celebs opening up their homes and their lives to the green lifestyle experts:

Glasgow Environment Café 19th April

From WWF Scotland:

Glasgow environment café
Thursday 19 April, 7.30 – 9.30pm
Adelaides, 209 Bath St, Glasgow, G2 4HZ

Waste photo borrowed from
WWF Scotland:
On 3 May we’ll all go to the polls to vote for our councillors. You’ll be surprised how many environmental policies are controlled by your council – from recycling, home insulation and local transport to green space and biodiversity. So this is a great opportunity to make sure that your views on the environment are heard. WWF Scotland has got together with RSPB Scotland and Friends of the Earth in Glasgow to hold an “environment café” – an informal way for you to meet your candidates and ask them what they’ll do to make Glasgow greener should they be elected your councillor.

Find out more at