Wednesday 25 April 2012

Participating Creatively & Actively in the Future You Want?

This June is a key turning point for international decisions and actions to be taken on social, economic and environmental justice. It's the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, popularly called the Rio+20 Earth Summit, marking the pivotal 1992 UN Earth Summit 20 years ago, where UN Conventions on Climate Change, Biodiversity, Forests and Deserts were born.

Key themes are the Green Economy and the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. In the preparatory meetings, the focus of the conversation so far has been building the Future We Want

It's not "the future politicians want" or "the future multinational corporations want", and we need to make sure that the agenda doesn't get corrupted by vested interests. So how can we participate?

Right now, there's a huge discussion exploding on email lists, social media and meetings at the UN HQ in New York behind the scenes. Maybe that all sounds too distant, but don't let these big shots sit around tables juggling with our future - they are our own representatives and we CAN influence them! Our own government and leading politicians will be our voice when it comes to the conference hall in Rio De Janeiro, BUT why don't we send them off with a crafty message before June? 

Make sure YOUR voice is heard as part of the Future We Want, and check out how you can creatively and actively participate in this urgent international debate here:


This is one of 8 blogs in the final stage of the Global Campaign for Climate Action's Rio Blogger Prize. If you like what you read, please support Chris by commenting on his blog, and sharing it with friends and family. The real story from Rio to be told through blogs by the winner of this youth competition, and if you'd like to hear more, I can post them here when it comes to June. Happy reading!

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