Thursday 14 July 2011

Why your church should register as an Eco-Congregation

Having spoken to a lot of different churches over the past few months I have found some who are actively involved in environmental work, but who are not registered as eco-congregations. The two reasons I hear most often are:

  1. We are not doing enough to be counted as an eco-congregation.
  2. We are doing fine on our own and don't feel any need to join.

I would like to address these points and explain why your church should be registering as an eco-congregation:

1. We are not doing enough to be counted as an eco-congregation.
I think this is the result of confusion between registration as an eco-congregation and achieving the Eco-Congregation award. The Eco-Congregation Award does require a level of achievement but registering as an eco congregation requires none. Registration is a statement of intent (that you will reduce your carbon footprint by 5% per year for three years and undertake a basic environmental audit). Congregations registering have usually done nothing before registering. Often those who say they are "not doing enough" are often doing rather a lot without realising it.

2. We are doing fine on our own and don't feel the need to join.
Well resourced congregations with knowledgeable people in the pews find it quite easy to engage with environmental and climate change issues. Many have done considerable work on improving heating systems and reducing their carbon footprint. Its understandable that some of these would not gain anything for themselves from registering as eco-congregations, but by registering they will help other, less able, congregations. When we go to the government, or other funders, for financial support they want to see that we have widespread endorsement from church congregations across all areas of the country and all denominations. By registering as an eco-congregation you can help us to leverage money and practical support for churches that are not as able as yours. By identifiying with the Eco-Congregation movement you make it stronger even if you gain very little for yourselves.

Registration is free. All you have to do is go here and follow the instructions:

Registration helps you, helps other churches and helps people living in countries affected by climate change.

Gordon Hudson

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